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The Center is owned by a non-profit private association with public funding and consists of:

- A Legal and Mediation Service, which provides information, mediates conflicts and instructs processes for the arbitration phase;

- By an Arbitration Court, constituted by a single judge, who assesses and decides conflicts through binding decisions for the parties, in accordance with law or equity, if the parties agree to this.

Arbitration in consumer disputes whose value does not exceed the jurisdiction of the courts of first instance (R$ 5,000.00) is necessary, when expressly chosen by consumers.

The submission of conflicts of higher value to the jurisdiction of the lower courts. Instance (up to a limit of €30,000.00) for arbitration depends on the agreement of both parties, and the economic agent party may have already declared in a generic way that it accepts arbitration, in which case it is a company that is a member of the Center.

Arbitration is necessary in the so-called Essential Public Services sector (electricity supply, electronic communications, public water supply, wastewater collection and treatment service, urban solid waste management, supply of natural gas and piped liquefied petroleum gases and postal services).

Arbitration of disputes arising from the "Casa Pronta" Counter is not subject to a maximum value limit.

The operation of the center complies with Law 144/2015 of September 8, the Operating Regulations and other applicable legislation.

Regulamento de Arbitragem do Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo do Algarve 

Lista de Empresas Aderentes

Regulamento e Tabela de Taxas na Arbitragem

Tabela de Taxas de Adesão Plena



Rede Nacional de Centros de ArbitragemMinistério da JustiçaMinistério da EconomiaDureção Geral do ConsumidorAlgarveACRALDECOAMAL
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